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  • Career transition

  • Motivation    

  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Learned Behaviours

  • Intercultural differences    

  • Gaining clarity   

  • Relocate, expat life coach

Career CHANGE coaching

Chaos in girl's head and hurricane of th

Usually people start their career in their early twenties and think that they will remain on the same path for all of their life, progressing higher and achieving more and never really thinking that a career change is possible.


The realisation of change might lead to feelings of loss and demotivation, self-doubt, fears and insecurities about your identity.


A career change could mean anything from starting a new job, completely changing your sector, becoming an entrepreneur and setting up your own business, or simply discovering the concept of a portfolio career and INTRApreneurship and adjusting your career accordingly.


My coaching programs are customised on my clients to meet their specific needs, priorities and aspirations. I always create a collaborative, non-judgmental and safe space, which I have found to be the best environment to support for success.       


I have an holistic approach and my skills as a Life Coach are regularly incorporated into career coaching, because often, the path to success goes deeper than professional achievements. We work together in building confidence and cultivate positive habits to name a few.    


I offer sessions both in English and Italian.

Road Map of the program

As a qualified career coach and as an Accredited Strengths Profile Practitioner, I provide sessions based on career change and career development.

The career change program has been carefully tailored using research in career evaluation and transition. 


The program has been designed in three phases:


This will be the holistic part of the program, where we will work on the knowledge about you as a person, your life as a whole and everything you need in your working life to be motivated and satisfied.


During this phase, you’ll get a clear idea of your values, your personal and professional strengths, your interests and passions, your preferred working organisation and environment and your ideal working day to name a few.




This is the second phase, a very creative part of the programme. 


Together we generate a number of possible new career choices. We call it DREAM because the idea here is to be expansive, to think outside the box, not to be constrained at this stage by traditional notions of what’s possible. 


Third and last part of the program, the stage where we investigate the top possibility that was generated in the 
DREAM phase and is the part of the program where we will create a tailored action plan for a career direction that's right for you.


We will have "informal" check-ins every 5-6 sessions with the purpose of assessing your coaching progress. This will also be an opportunity to discuss further adjustments or reframe needed directions.


Please also note that after our journey together, you will have 3 months at a reduced price in order to discuss how you are progressing after being coached.

People are talking ...

"I used to believe that money can buy happiness. It is only when I left my previous career that I realize it is simplicity that buys happiness. Wake up every morning, feel refreshed, grab a cup of coffee, begin my bible study for meditation and write my research essay. Do online studying and prepare dinner. Enjoy dinner time with my partner. Happiness can be achieved so easily.

I think the career change programme way exceeded my expectations. I did not even have a direction at the beginning and now I have already started working on some tasks of my expected new career.

I like how Monica can target specific needs of each clients - e.g. psychological support where necessary in a professional manner. Love how she's non-judgmental.

On a personal level, she is very caring, organised and detail-oriented.

By working together I identified the causes of why I constantly felt discouraged in my past career. I picked up my confidence and self-esteem and how to pursue my career aspirations in a more effective way."


Postgraduate Student, Hong Kong




I wanted to gain clarity about myself regarding my skills, values, passions, and what I truly want from my career. I also wanted to reveal possible stumbling blocks or hidden potentials I might not have been aware of. By the end, I wanted to at least narrow down all the options and have a better direction of which way to go. I feel have gained a solid and thorough understanding of myself regarding what my skills, interests, motivations, values, strengths (and much more) really are. Its put my mind at ease regarding what I should focus on going forward. Before I would feel overwhelmed by options of what I could do. Now, I feel I have narrowed these options down. This not only makes it much easier going forward because there is less to focus on, but I also have a point of reference and decisions are easier to make because now they need to align with my values, motivations etc. Communication was always very amicable and easy. I felt comfortable speaking my mind at all times. I found the program very in-depth, thorough and well-rounded. I believe it literally covered every single relevant aspect of going through a career change. I really enjoyed learning about myself this way and feel every person should go through this process at least once in their lives.


UX/Graphic Designer, Germany 


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