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"I had great sessions with Monica. She helped me to identify some new ways of thinking about where I see my personal life and career progressing and made me realise it's not about understanding or fixing a problem, it's about identifying and creating a route to success from where I am now.

Monica is engaged, enthusiastic and is full of positive ideas and strategies to help improve and get to where you need to be. She is so knowledgeable, has helpful tools at her fingertips, and is great at challenging my thoughts and helping me to hold myself accountable. I would highly recommend working with her." - Operations Manager - London

"It was the first time for me to have a personalized session with a coach and to be honest with someone about my situation. I learn more about myself and can understand more what should I change in my life to be more happy and to be more proud of myself. My coach was a wonderful person, she listen to me and is not judgemental, she helped identifying the action to reach the professional goal. Nice and friendly and was good at prompting me. She asked questions which make you think more about your situation. A good method for addressing an issue you're having, speaking it through with an external input. Useful to help frame the issue in a different light than you may have considered it before, and helpful to map out the issue and work through it systematically.  A specific sentence I remember was : "Be gentle with yourself". - Project Coordinator - Madagascar

"I discovered Monica at a point in my life where I wanted to make changes but I was very unsure how to go about it. I knew what I wanted to do but I had not idea how to approach it and was drowned out by the inability to take any steps towards any path. Monica encouraged me to take steps towards areas that I never thought I would go towards, she challenged me to do things I was very unsure about doing. These challenges enabled me to break down self-imposed barriers, ideas and to take action. She also helped me find out who I am as a person, my values, my strengths, my behaviours, attachment styles and so much more that has really showed me who I truly am. I am very grateful to have met Monica, the confidence I have achieved and the actions I have taken through the sessions with her enabled me to meet people and look at aspects of myself I discarded. All the people I have met through Monica's challenges, have led me onto a path which is much clearer. Monica gives you the confidence to take action, to feel challenged because the only person you have to let yourself down is yourself, no one else. Its only the beginning of the next steps but they seem the natural ones now and it proves with hard work & knowledge you can achieve anything. I can't recommend her highly enough." - Executive Briefing Centre - London

"Monica coached me over a period of several months. Working with Monica was an eye opening experience for me. I had never worked with a life coach and went with a very set idea of what I wanted out of it. It is a great credit to Monica that she didn't just take what I said and pursue that path without question. Instead she challenged me, and helped me discover a great deal about myself. These weren't superficial things either, these were core values, my desires, my needs - and an understanding of why for all of those. From exploring those things together I developed a much better understanding of what would make me happier. If we had just worked on the strong idea I went in with, today I wouldn't be more fulfilled and satisfied than I've ever been. It sounds really cheesy, but it's true; the coaching Monica gave me provided me with ways to get the most out myself and how I can pursue my wants and desires effectively. She has provided me with tools that I will be able to use for the rest of my life.


When we discussed topics together it was much more helpful than reading a book, article or hearing it from a friend, she helped drill down into things so that I got a deep understanding which otherwise wouldn't have been possible. I have a tendency to ramble on, and go off topic, but Monica was always able to understand the point I was driving at. She would listen attentively and could summarise succinctly the essence of what I was conveying, which is not an easy task. She always made sure she understood exactly before discussing further. The conversations we had were thought provoking, and sometimes difficult because they made me explore beyond the surface. Monica was very encouraging, and always willing to provide help and support. Monica would provide materials, and exercises for study outside of our time together too. She put in a great deal of effort and her own time to investigate the topics we discussed. It is clear she has a deep passion for life coaching and helping others. At every step of the way she made sure I was getting the most out of it, that I was getting what I wanted out of it, and that I was comfortable. I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Monica, and I strongly recommend Monica as your life coach. I hope to work with her again soon." - Associate Product Owner - Scotland

"Monica has been of great help this past two months. I reached out for help on a career promotion; a big step for me and challenging because it was not only a new role for me, but a new role in the company that I would have to fill in as well as define and fit it in with other areas and teams of the company. We set up coaching sessions very easily through mail and zoom: me from Spain and Monica from London. She has supported me greatly by listening and, more importantly, asking the right questions that have helped me reflect on the things that were happening, the things I need and would like, and find ways to plan and act on challenging subjects from an objective and self-aware perspective. I highly recommend Monica; she is a great listener, great at asking questions and great at empathising on and remembering what you are going through. After a session with her I felt more calm, positive and ready to tackle the challenges." - Project Manager - Spain

"Ho incontrato Monica in un momento difficile della mia vita, sia a livello sentimentale che a livello lavorativo. Non ero più soddisfatta, ma non sapevo assolutamente quale strada intraprendere. Nelle varie sessioni, affrontando i miei limiti, i miei blocchi, ma anche i miei valori e le mie capacità, sono riuscita a capire come raggiungere e concretizzare i miei obbiettivi. Tra l'altro Monica ha una capacità di ascoltare e di metterti a tuo agio tali, da sentirti libero di parlare di qualunque cosa. Per queste ragioni, mi sento di consigliare il suo aiuto a chiunque abbia perso di vista i propri obbiettivi, oppure a coloro che stanno attraversando un momento di confusione che li porta a non essere più felici e soddisfatti della propria vita. Grazie di cuore per il tuo aiuto Monica." 

Business Owner - Italy

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